seanhoyer: bonnie (& my shadow) before our City Hall wedding (S60-3751)
seanhoyer: first step: license (wedding002)
seanhoyer: making it official (wedding003)
seanhoyer: getting family planning info (wedding005)
seanhoyer: with family planning info (wedding007)
seanhoyer: with family planning brochure (wedding010)
seanhoyer: in the light court (wedding014)
seanhoyer: all smiles (wedding016)
seanhoyer: on the stairs (wedding022)
seanhoyer: in front of the stairs (wedding031)
seanhoyer: in front of the stairs (wedding034)
seanhoyer: filling out the license (wedding047)
seanhoyer: Liz K., witness #1 (wedding049)
seanhoyer: with Harvey Milk (wedding050)
seanhoyer: listening to the spiel (wedding052)
seanhoyer: spiel before the vows (wedding053)
seanhoyer: the vows (wedding055)
seanhoyer: the vows (wedding057)
seanhoyer: presenting Bonnie's ring (wedding060)
seanhoyer: taking the vows (wedding064)
seanhoyer: sealed with a kiss (wedding065)
seanhoyer: with souvenir certificate (wedding066)
seanhoyer: with souvenir certificate (wedding067)
seanhoyer: with witnesses (wedding069)
seanhoyer: on the fourth floor (wedding071)
seanhoyer: on the fourth floor, with rings and certificate (wedding072)
seanhoyer: showing off the rings (wedding073)
seanhoyer: our second kiss as a legally married couple (wedding074)
seanhoyer: with witnesses, on the fourth floor (wedding075)
seanhoyer: with witnesses on the fourth floor (wedding079)