seanhoyer: morning @ Morgan's Rest (9924)
seanhoyer: camera bag stowaways (9925)
seanhoyer: Miriam w/ seal (9931)
seanhoyer: Joshua w/ the seal (9933)
seanhoyer: Joshua w/ seal (9934)
seanhoyer: a bit feral (9935)
seanhoyer: twins in Joshua's room (9938)
seanhoyer: twins w/ Aunt Bonnie (9940)
seanhoyer: Jill, seated & serious (9945)
seanhoyer: finally, a chair my size (9947)
seanhoyer: hairy woodpecker (9950)
seanhoyer: black-capped chickadee (9953)
seanhoyer: tufted titmouse (9956)
seanhoyer: look at all those leaves (9958)
seanhoyer: Jill taking Aunt Bonnie for a walk (9959)
seanhoyer: giggling (9960)
seanhoyer: white-breasted nuthatch (9965)
seanhoyer: tufted titmouse, foraging (9969)
seanhoyer: Sadie in princess attire (9972)
seanhoyer: Mia presents Pudding w/ a hat (9974)
seanhoyer: walking through the leaves (9976)
seanhoyer: here, have a rock! (9977)
seanhoyer: nuzzle (9978)
seanhoyer: Jill & Molly (9979)
seanhoyer: laughing w/ mom (9980)
seanhoyer: laughing w/ mom (9981)
seanhoyer: here, have some rocks! (9982)
seanhoyer: pointing (9983)
seanhoyer: smiling for Uncle Jeff (9984)
seanhoyer: having fun w/ mom (9985)