seanhoyer: celebrating with gelato (12715)
seanhoyer: bonnie @ the bowling alley (12623)
seanhoyer: bonnie (12578)
seanhoyer: "would you mind? i'm trying to play cards here!" (12572)
seanhoyer: Bonnie with ice cream (12552)
seanhoyer: Bonnie with dunce cap (12256)
seanhoyer: Bonnie becomes aware of the photographer's presence (11860)
seanhoyer: Bonnie reading Sunset at the West Point Inn (11859)
seanhoyer: bonnie, the lighter side (11812)
seanhoyer: bonnie, the serious side (11811)
seanhoyer: improving her vocabulary (11360)
seanhoyer: Bonnie @ El Jejenero (11334)
seanhoyer: peeking (11326)
seanhoyer: bonnie @ juan bananas (11307)
seanhoyer: Bonnie steers the boat (11298)
seanhoyer: copilots (11296)
seanhoyer: Bonnie on the boat (11294)
seanhoyer: to the lighthouse (11273)
seanhoyer: Bonnie @ the launch point (11266)
seanhoyer: yoga @ la contaduria (11235)
seanhoyer: yoga @ la contaduria (11234)
seanhoyer: bonnie making arrangements (11132)
seanhoyer: Bonnie, trying to be patient (11130)
seanhoyer: pit stop at las tres huastecas (11128)
seanhoyer: Bonnie on the water taxi (11127)
seanhoyer: Bonnie (11089)
seanhoyer: Bonnie, waiting up for me as always (11086)
seanhoyer: Tuesday night at the Eclipse (10788)
seanhoyer: Tuesday night at the Eclipse (10785)
seanhoyer: kids' yoga in yelapa (10629)