seanhoyer: don't try this at home
seanhoyer: bronzed cowbird, after
seanhoyer: bronzed cowbird, showing off
seanhoyer: bronzed cowbird, before
seanhoyer: wren pair @ rio caliente
seanhoyer: a little grooming assistance (spotted wrens)
seanhoyer: swallow drama 7610
seanhoyer: swallow drama 7609
seanhoyer: swallow drama 7607
seanhoyer: 7605swallows
seanhoyer: take that! (swallow drama 7600)
seanhoyer: hell is other birds
seanhoyer: one of these things is not like the others
seanhoyer: turtle flip
seanhoyer: do you love me (now that i can dance)?
seanhoyer: BFB drama @ las tres marietas
seanhoyer: amorous iguanas
seanhoyer: love bites
seanhoyer: setting an example for the kids
seanhoyer: sea war, 7 of 8 - the wisdom of Solomon?
seanhoyer: sea war, 8 of 8 - the cormorant strikes back
seanhoyer: sea war, 5 of 8 - the attack
seanhoyer: sea war, 6 of 8 - ruthless
seanhoyer: sea war, 1 of 8 - no, you can't have it
seanhoyer: sea war, 2 of 8 - no, you still can't have it
seanhoyer: sea war, 3 of 8 - the flip
seanhoyer: sea war, 4 of 8 - just a little too big
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 3: take a flying leap
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 4: keep your eyes on the prize
seanhoyer: ...and after (bobcat w/ a snack)