seanhoyer: ripening
seanhoyer: squirrel cuckoo
seanhoyer: squirrel cuckoo, profile
seanhoyer: the early bird gets the chair
seanhoyer: "hey ladies, want your picture taken with my iguana?"
seanhoyer: Bonnie looks warily at her new friend
seanhoyer: sweeping the sand
seanhoyer: spiny lizard
seanhoyer: great kiskadee @ the point
seanhoyer: love bites
seanhoyer: amorous iguanas
seanhoyer: wasp
seanhoyer: hey, didn't i see you in Big Sur last month?
seanhoyer: tricolored heron?
seanhoyer: groove-billed ani
seanhoyer: green heron?
seanhoyer: stripe-headed sparrow
seanhoyer: solo toad
seanhoyer: variation on the leapfrog game
seanhoyer: never forget who drives the boat
seanhoyer: pelican with oar
seanhoyer: parts of a sea turtle (through the wrong lens)
seanhoyer: the tip of the ray (through the wrong lens)
seanhoyer: birds with lipstick?
seanhoyer: lipstick?
seanhoyer: four blue feet
seanhoyer: hindsight (blue-footed booby)
seanhoyer: 95% of a BFB
seanhoyer: 99% of a BFB
seanhoyer: BFB profile