seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 1: prowl s-l-o-w-l-y
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 2: detach yourself from the outcome
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 3: take a flying leap
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 4: keep your eyes on the prize
seanhoyer: bobcat hunting, step 5: savor your success
seanhoyer: before... (bobcat watching the prey)
seanhoyer: during... (bobcat mid-pounce)
seanhoyer: ...and after (bobcat w/ a snack)
seanhoyer: "hmm, which site should i visit?"
seanhoyer: time out for grooming (bobcat hygeine)
seanhoyer: foiled again! (when bobcats curse)
seanhoyer: presiding
seanhoyer: the paw at work (bobcat scratch)
seanhoyer: stretch (bobcat at steep ravine)