georgedulcot: Odds and sods
georgedulcot: Matchless M3 c1927
georgedulcot: Triumph Model H & Zedel motors
georgedulcot: Humber c1912
georgedulcot: Abingdon King Dick 1914
georgedulcot: Peugeot 1906
georgedulcot: Zedel c1905
georgedulcot: Zedel Auto Inlet c1903
georgedulcot: 1926 "KOR" Racing 500cc JAP
georgedulcot: "KOR" JAP.....I need a top end.
georgedulcot: 1929 Norton ES2 *Special* engine
georgedulcot: OHV Pope
georgedulcot: Zedel motor c1905
georgedulcot: Metal.............
georgedulcot: Matchless......the "oldest" & latest on show.........
georgedulcot: KOR JAP & EWB Sarolea
georgedulcot: AZ made in Besancon France.
georgedulcot: Stevens motor
georgedulcot: Excelsior Talisman motor
georgedulcot: I like the way the "1"'s are stretched out.
georgedulcot: Contact breakers
georgedulcot: Southern Cross & 1914 Sunbeam JAP 770.
georgedulcot: 1918 680 JAP
georgedulcot: Excelsior Talisman engine.
georgedulcot: KOR Racing JAP in OEC.
georgedulcot: Matchless engines on display at 1955 M/C show.
georgedulcot: Zedel 1905.
georgedulcot: 1920 Wooler chain drive