flashmick: The upper west ridge on Mt.Haldon.
flashmick: Obstacle on the ridge
flashmick: A pause to take a view northward
flashmick: The actual distance
flashmick: Closer inspection
flashmick: Still a ways to go
flashmick: The next obstacle
flashmick: Waiting our turn
flashmick: Holding his ground.
flashmick: Movement on the ridge
flashmick: Chance shot.
flashmick: Giving us the eye.
flashmick: Even he's convinced he's a stick
flashmick: The western end of Rocky Pk
flashmick: Rockier in places
flashmick: No water on this route.
flashmick: Out for the exercise.
flashmick: Dry times
flashmick: A moment to enjoy the view
flashmick: Pt.888m
flashmick: It would seem repetitive to some
flashmick: Quicker to bypass.
flashmick: Descending Mt.Haldon
flashmick: Mt.Lowe east to Mt.Lowe
flashmick: DSCN1287.jpgcopy
flashmick: The ridge beyond