jensbrynildsen: Wolfgang Hensler @ FFK11
jensbrynildsen: Thomas Wagener wowed the crowd
jensbrynildsen: Mike Chambers having fun discovering the ancient payment systems in Cologne bars
jensbrynildsen: "But how can they NOT take American Express?"
jensbrynildsen: DJ Andre Michelle at the AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: DJ Andre Michelle at the AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: FFK11 AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: FFK11 AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: Saban and the guy that kept bringing drinks until the bar closed
jensbrynildsen: AudioTool party
jensbrynildsen: Lee Brimelow
jensbrynildsen: David on stage
jensbrynildsen: Hehehe. What a smile!
jensbrynildsen: Flashmöb getting ready to heckle @DerSchmale (David Lenaerts) at FFK11
jensbrynildsen: Marc checking FFK11 feedback on Twitter
jensbrynildsen: FFK11 closing