flargh: Furry Beast
flargh: Max sleeping
flargh: James and Max
flargh: Reflected Max
flargh: Max and James
flargh: Max napping in the sun
flargh: Max
flargh: Super Max!
flargh: Max in the paper
flargh: Whaaa?
flargh: To sleep, perchance to dream...
flargh: The little furry king on his throne
flargh: Max and his new catnip pillow
flargh: Ugh. I'm baked
flargh: Robert pets the dozing Max
flargh: Max pillow closeup
flargh: Lazy cat
flargh: Max's new hiding place
flargh: Pet me, slave
flargh: Where are my presents?
flargh: I'm bored.
flargh: Time for a nap
flargh: Picture001.jpg
flargh: Picture002.jpg
flargh: "Your mind tricks will not work on me, boy."
flargh: Max in the window
flargh: What IS it, already?
flargh: Is that comfortable?
flargh: Fast asleep
flargh: Pensive