flammableskirt: Mervyn & Lauren
flammableskirt: Lauren Beukes reading at Moxyland launch
flammableskirt: Lauren Beukes + crowd
flammableskirt: Moxyland turn-out.
flammableskirt: Rapt (or possibly horrified) audience at Moxyland launch
flammableskirt: Fletcher on the decks
flammableskirt: Fletcher's decks
flammableskirt: Lauren Beukes, Adam Hill, Grant Hinds
flammableskirt: The Sleepers guitarist tries to steal author's drink
flammableskirt: Elsa Glenn and Sean Rogers
flammableskirt: Rob van Vuuren on Ghost's Sponsorship Programme
flammableskirt: Vukani's Cultural Attache speaks out
flammableskirt: Moxyland stencil
flammableskirt: Moxyland launch packed to capacity
flammableskirt: Book Lounge Entrance - Moxyland launch
flammableskirt: Mutant Moxy toy
flammableskirt: Moxyland streetside
flammableskirt: Louisa Betteridge, Gerhard Beukes, Ian de Vries
flammableskirt: Author + friends, Moxyland launch
flammableskirt: Lauren Beukes at Moxyland launch
flammableskirt: Tattooed cool
flammableskirt: Joe Vaz, editor of Something Wicked at Moxyland
flammableskirt: Lauren Beukes with one of Gabrielle Raaff's lights
flammableskirt: Tim Wang has evidence
flammableskirt: Leipello from Chimurenga + Lauren
flammableskirt: A warm corporate welcome
flammableskirt: Vukani Media's Cultural Attache
flammableskirt: I'm afraid it's the Non-Corporate entrance for you
flammableskirt: Door Bitch will see you now
flammableskirt: Lauwrisa & Thabo