Flair Candy: Color and contrast test on low light
Flair Candy: Trying to get some depth in the photo, still low light
Flair Candy: Selfie mode on beautify feature
Flair Candy: Shots of miniature items via normal setting on low light
Flair Candy: Trafalgar Law miniature toy - setting close up or macro capabilities
Flair Candy: sharp image despite low light
Flair Candy: shot of the miniature under the shadowed area of the room
Flair Candy: dimmed my lights, I turned on my yellow light
Flair Candy: minimal light - This is just to show you where my light source is, so you can click the next photo and see how much light i have in the room
Flair Candy: Under low light settings with only the flash light as light source
Flair Candy: Totally turned off the flash light, light source is only by my window
Flair Candy: how dar my room is when I took the previous photo
Flair Candy: Selfie cam on day light, with blush feature, slim face and glow :)
Flair Candy: Daylight non-HDR
Flair Candy: Daylight HDR
Flair Candy: Daylight HDR
Flair Candy: Daylight non-HDR
Flair Candy: Night time low light
Flair Candy: Selfie on night time low light
Flair Candy: Still captures colors and hues at night :)
Flair Candy: Super low light food shot - light source light inside the restaurant, i was eating outside
Flair Candy: Can you find orion's beld in this shot? :) super low light
Flair Candy: Daylight HDR in Manila
Flair Candy: Daylight HDR
Flair Candy: pointed focus on the landschape (vs the sky) so sky was a little bit overexposed
Flair Candy: Turned on HDR for this one
Flair Candy: on HDR mode, yaye for sky and landscape clarity!
Flair Candy: HDR mode so I could still capture the beauty of the sky during this day - otherwise, sky will be overexposed
Flair Candy: HDR on
Flair Candy: HDR on details on all angles