the_simplist: Terry walks through the fields, looking for a good shot
the_simplist: IMG_0532
the_simplist: IMG_0531
the_simplist: IMG_0520
the_simplist: IMG_0508
the_simplist: IMG_0501
the_simplist: IMG_0499
the_simplist: Kara and Terry get set up
the_simplist: IMG_0542
the_simplist: IMG_0541
the_simplist: IMG_0539
the_simplist: IMG_0538
the_simplist: IMG_0537
the_simplist: IMG_0536
the_simplist: IMG_0535
the_simplist: IMG_0534
the_simplist: IMG_0533
the_simplist: IMG_0530
the_simplist: IMG_0529
the_simplist: IMG_0528
the_simplist: IMG_0527
the_simplist: IMG_0526
the_simplist: IMG_0525
the_simplist: I thought this was Terry, but it wasn't!