franimal: Cherokee Purple, 2006
franimal: Clearly carrots won this season, 2006
franimal: Cherokee Purple, 2006
franimal: Cherokee Purple, Black Brandy, 2006
franimal: Black Brandywine
franimal: Black Brandywine, Chadwick Cherry, Chiltepin Chili, Habanero, Sugar Lump: side view
franimal: Chadwick Cherry, Black Brandywine, Chiltepin
franimal: Green Zebras with Farmer's Best
franimal: Mother picks from the garden, post late season storm
franimal: Green Zebra
franimal: Chiltepin Chile Pepper, end of season
franimal: Caro Rich
franimal: Caro Rich, Stupice, Chadwick Cherry, Martin Giant, Tigerella
franimal: Caro Rich, Russian Plum, Sugar Lump
franimal: Tomato Bed with Epazote Containor Project
franimal: Green Zebras