de Paula FJ: In sepia - Sunrise in the Perequê Beach – Guarujá Island - São Paulo – Brazil - São Paulo – Brazil
de Paula FJ: The moon in Sepia - End of Sunday in the Park of the Ibirapuera in São Paulo to take off photos.
de Paula FJ: As I wanted to look at - End of Sunday in the Park of the Ibirapuera in São Paulo to take off photos.
de Paula FJ: Pintura em sépia: Uma manhã no mercado central de São Paulo - One morning in the Central Market of São Paulo.
de Paula FJ: The wolf’s bush in dark brown .
de Paula FJ: Beth Jones explore the paradise frontiers
de Paula FJ: My soul was Black&White or sepia - One cold day in the end of Saturday, in the Park of the Ibirapuera, in São Paulo, just to take off photos.
de Paula FJ: Sépia do Planetário do Parque Ibirapuera - São Paulo - Brasil
de Paula FJ: Uma visão em sépia de São Paulo
de Paula FJ: Olhando o céu - Looking at the sky
de Paula FJ: Olhando o céu - Looking at the sky
de Paula FJ: Olhando o céu - Looking at the sky
de Paula FJ: End of Sunday in the Park of the Ibirapuera in São Paulo
de Paula FJ: End of Sunday in the Park of the Ibirapuera in São Paulo
de Paula FJ: End of Sunday in the Park of the Ibirapuera in São Paulo