omshivaprakash: M.P Ganesh Mysore Palace
omshivaprakash: Replacing regular ads for a change
omshivaprakash: Nature to Fine Art
omshivaprakash: Chitra Sante 2013
omshivaprakash: ದೃಷ್ಟಿ ಬೊಂಬೆ
omshivaprakash: ಯಕ್ಷ
omshivaprakash: Face to Face with Paintings
omshivaprakash: Temple & Art
omshivaprakash: Gallery during Chitrasante 2013
omshivaprakash: Yaksha @ the door - CKP
omshivaprakash: Welcoming Toy @ Chitrasante 2013
omshivaprakash: Lauging Camel - hey look at that
omshivaprakash: Paintings in Painted Street
omshivaprakash: Being watched and captured
omshivaprakash: Art out of Rice and Ragi
omshivaprakash: Here or there - Curious
omshivaprakash: Hanging walls
omshivaprakash: Books @ Chitra Sante