fiyaasz: You happened to look and see the tunnels all around me, running into the dark background
fiyaasz: All my islands have sunk in the deep
fiyaasz: Dear pacific day, won't you take me away
fiyaasz: I am the green in the grass that bends back from underneath your feet.
fiyaasz: Make haste, I feel your heartbeat
fiyaasz: Tumbling all alone
fiyaasz: The black in the book, the letters on the page that you memorize
fiyaasz: Like air traffic streams
fiyaasz: I'll blend the rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins
fiyaasz: Are you there or are you just a decoy dream in my head?
fiyaasz: Time together is never quite enough
fiyaasz: The bird is here and we are off to wherever those wings take us
fiyaasz: Clearly i'm a passerby, but i'll find a place to stay
fiyaasz: I'm floating away, lost in silent ballet
fiyaasz: When my thoughts drift to you
fiyaasz: Your heart has a lack of colour