fixiewrek: pre-race photo, courtesy of Robert Kittilson
fixiewrek: Getting sprayed with beer as you entered the gauntlet was par for the course!
fixiewrek: Luckily beer hand ups were also common!
fixiewrek: Jeff made it easy and dressed as a beer!
fixiewrek: lady in tights, Bret Michaels, and a lumberjack, mmmm kay...
fixiewrek: My first run up when you could still see the playboy bunnies on my pants!
fixiewrek: Baaawwwk, baaawkkk (and please notice the pink Easter Bunny in back)
fixiewrek: Dressed for a night on the town and the Portland Panda!
fixiewrek: Luchadors!!!
fixiewrek: Seeee-aaaatttt-lllleeeee Sasquatch!
fixiewrek: one of the six-pack of barriers. There were stacks of PBR tall boys in front of each one!
fixiewrek: this just says so much. and for you bike geeks, notice the sweet belt drive!
fixiewrek: Kona Dale and the Honey Bucket
fixiewrek: riding may cause you to spill your beer, sometimes you just need to walk.
fixiewrek: Rallying through the mud
fixiewrek: the best mud trail ever!
fixiewrek: this is FUN!!!!!
fixiewrek: even little Henry came out to watch the festivities!
fixiewrek: A cool view of a portion of the course, this is the dry part!
fixiewrek: rolling over the whoop-de-doos while Nick, Mark and Miranda cheer (heckle) me on!
fixiewrek: beer here!!!
fixiewrek: in the World Championships, looking good supersedes being able to see!
fixiewrek: the tightie whities aren't white so more!
fixiewrek: mud.
fixiewrek: soft like kitten with chain like broken
fixiewrek: Henry loves it!!!
fixiewrek: luchadores!!!
fixiewrek: rolling up the fly-over
fixiewrek: Jeff killing it on the last lap!
fixiewrek: yes, that is mud on my teeth.