fixiewrek: the powerhouse
fixiewrek: your friend and guide
fixiewrek: green beams and dam
fixiewrek: diablo brumoso = misty devil
fixiewrek: across the way
fixiewrek: x marks the spot
fixiewrek: the early winter spires at dusk
fixiewrek: hairpin valley and headlight trails
fixiewrek: the men of the Hayes-Aken household
fixiewrek: Doug holds court in the captains chair
fixiewrek: Starry streaks. still need to perfect this technique
fixiewrek: You talking to me?
fixiewrek: The fleet
fixiewrek: The men (and dog) of the mountain!
fixiewrek: bling bling!!
fixiewrek: 74 pizzas were made for dinner that evening
fixiewrek: I came across this ant hill while wandering in the woods
fixiewrek: a close-up of our little friends
fixiewrek: this is a tired Colby!
fixiewrek: Kian about to get after it on his big bike, big bike, big bike!!!
fixiewrek: The gang's all here, Sri Lanka disease included
fixiewrek: Sunday brought a perfect autumn hike up to Maple Pass
fixiewrek: The fam damily!
fixiewrek: Golden larches were in full glory
fixiewrek: Autumnal colors of the N. Cascades
fixiewrek: the North Cascades National Park
fixiewrek: Mandie prepping for Iron Man Canadia, 'eh?
fixiewrek: Annie and Kian
fixiewrek: The smoke monster rolls in.
fixiewrek: black pods