fixiewrek: Christine and Al work their way up the logging road approach as the rains threaten.
fixiewrek: Jeff rolls through the burn
fixiewrek: Doug's white outfit shines through the charred forest
fixiewrek: Marina hot on their tracks!
fixiewrek: The start of the Lightning Creek is fast singletrack through a recent burn.
fixiewrek: Doug and Christine play fashion model in the burned remains
fixiewrek: Doug's new toy, a 3-D digital camera setup!
fixiewrek: Al banks the corners on the singlespeed 29'er with bling!
fixiewrek: IMG_0221
fixiewrek: Marlin hops over the roller
fixiewrek: Al's too damn fast for the camera!
fixiewrek: Jeff makes it look easy
fixiewrek: Christine attacks
fixiewrek: Summer slams on the brakes just before hitting the crest!
fixiewrek: But then attacks it with style!
fixiewrek: Marina looks on waiting for the rest of the crew.
fixiewrek: I wait alone as the others flatted, but it was too good for me to stop
fixiewrek: Marlin rolling the banks with Al in hot pursuit
fixiewrek: "Ohhhhhhhhh"
fixiewrek: The Man in Black
fixiewrek: Urban sheik
fixiewrek: Jeff made sure to flex before I took this shot
fixiewrek: Christine hopes her 7 months riding around the world is just like this
fixiewrek: Summer makes it look easy
fixiewrek: And Dougs off...
fixiewrek: Marina locks on for the chase
fixiewrek: No dust after the evenings rains, but we stayed dry all day
fixiewrek: Big Wheel Al with Little Wheel Jeff on his heels
fixiewrek: The Ladies of Lightning Creek
fixiewrek: Ah yeah!