fixiewrek: Cheese (photo courtesy of Jon)
fixiewrek: Guye Peak heading up Commonwealth Basin
fixiewrek: Let's go papa
fixiewrek: Summer making her way over the rapidly growing Denny Creek
fixiewrek: Stealth Jon making his way up the basin.
fixiewrek: Beautiful (photo courtesy of Jon)
fixiewrek: Marina keeping watch with a mouth full of snow.
fixiewrek: The Point (photo courtesy of Jon)
fixiewrek: pick it up..
fixiewrek: The sun came out and Jon got happy.
fixiewrek: Summer working her way up above the chasm.
fixiewrek: Our first view of our destimation, Mt. Snoqualmie.
fixiewrek: Jon and the sun.
fixiewrek: Or the other option, whiteout! (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: The conditions worsened as we headed up.
fixiewrek: But it's all good! (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: Looking back towards Guye Peak and Lake Kachess.
fixiewrek: Jeff and Marina on our final push.
fixiewrek: Looking across the valley at Alpental.
fixiewrek: And the Alpental BC.
fixiewrek: Jeff breaking trail on the steeps (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: Jeff, Marina, and I (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: Summer looking back
fixiewrek: The sun, Mt. Snoqualme and Stephen! (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: Marina ready for takeoff! (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: 10 inches of fresh snow and bluebird conditions.
fixiewrek: IMG_7965
fixiewrek: Skinning through the trees (photo: Jon)
fixiewrek: Looking down and back at our tracks off Cave Ridge.
fixiewrek: Jeff taking a break for crackers and brie. (photo: Jon)