fixedwheelnut: Adrian Cowie and Paul Welch
fixedwheelnut: The sun shines on the ritcheous, well Dave Winslade anyway.
fixedwheelnut: Werner Wiethege
fixedwheelnut: Paul Welch and Bob Macdowall discuss team tactics
fixedwheelnut: Getting ready to set off
fixedwheelnut: Starting the 400km
fixedwheelnut: Pat McMaster and Martin Garner set off
fixedwheelnut: Robert Royston and Graham Ward set off at the start
fixedwheelnut: Brian Matkins
fixedwheelnut: Pat McMaster
fixedwheelnut: Martin Garner
fixedwheelnut: Mike Friday
fixedwheelnut: Mark Bigam
fixedwheelnut: Lee Garner
fixedwheelnut: Mark Fairweather
fixedwheelnut: John and Vic helping at the finish of Invicta 400km Audax
fixedwheelnut: 10% riders 40km finish
fixedwheelnut: Bob Macdowall resting at last
fixedwheelnut: Werner Wiethege
fixedwheelnut: Peter Brock