Buileshuibhne: Khaosan
Buileshuibhne: Wat Pho roofs
Buileshuibhne: Chao Phraya ferry
Buileshuibhne: All for me
Buileshuibhne: Wat Pho chedis
Buileshuibhne: Chatuchak lampshade
Buileshuibhne: Water monitor
Buileshuibhne: Water monitor
Buileshuibhne: Tuk tuk
Buileshuibhne: Budhist monk
Buileshuibhne: Hanging on
Buileshuibhne: Walking in the rain
Buileshuibhne: Temple windows
Buileshuibhne: Getting aboard
Buileshuibhne: Ayutthaya market
Buileshuibhne: Havesting lotus heads, Ayutthaya
Buileshuibhne: Oooh, that's colder than I expected!
Buileshuibhne: Making tracks
Buileshuibhne: Temple roof
Buileshuibhne: Santichon
Buileshuibhne: Wild country
Buileshuibhne: Golden Triangle
Buileshuibhne: Karen market woman
Buileshuibhne: The view
Buileshuibhne: Fishing the Mekong
Buileshuibhne: Mekong river
Buileshuibhne: Mekong fisherman
Buileshuibhne: Mekong riverside