sonek321: Pincushion
sonek321: Gift Moose
sonek321: Blooming glow
sonek321: iRphone Seattle Center
sonek321: iRphone Maritime Museum 1
sonek321: iRphone Maritime Museum 2
sonek321: iRphone Space Needle
sonek321: iRphone
sonek321: 12w, 6d +\- 5d
sonek321: First glamour shots
sonek321: Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around
sonek321: Feet
sonek321: So much for laying off the beer this weekend
sonek321: 64 Ounces!
sonek321: Getting ready for March's First Thursday
sonek321: Narboo
sonek321: My St. Patty's Day peparation kit has arrived
sonek321: Set up for the art walk!