Fiveholer: The one that almost got away.
Fiveholer: IMG_3654
Fiveholer: The Soldier.
Fiveholer: Continental Metal.
Fiveholer: Icy Fin.
Fiveholer: The Day Summed up.
Fiveholer: Runny nose.
Fiveholer: Cold CFM.
Fiveholer: IMG_3637
Fiveholer: Nosey.
Fiveholer: IMG_3645
Fiveholer: IMG_3666
Fiveholer: Running uphill.
Fiveholer: Slow going.
Fiveholer: ExpressJet
Fiveholer: Spray, spray, spray.
Fiveholer: IMG_3644
Fiveholer: NWA Airlink.
Fiveholer: IMG_3695
Fiveholer: IMG_3696
Fiveholer: "Jetlink 2624"
Fiveholer: Winter Ops.
Fiveholer: About to roll out for Newark.
Fiveholer: Frozen Tundra.
Fiveholer: IMG_3735
Fiveholer: IMG_3713
Fiveholer: One Cold Sunrise.
Fiveholer: Pretty.
Fiveholer: That might create some problems.
Fiveholer: Runny Vortilons