fivefortyfive: i get really bored when i can't take pictures.
fivefortyfive: Complex Mind / Simple Camera
fivefortyfive: Film & 365s don't mix
fivefortyfive: Walking on air
fivefortyfive: reaching out
fivefortyfive: Into the heavens
fivefortyfive: Hey, God
fivefortyfive: reaching out
fivefortyfive: we all have a time
fivefortyfive: on the wing
fivefortyfive: I know your presence well, but it always fades away
fivefortyfive: simplicity
fivefortyfive: the flames
fivefortyfive: above and beyond
fivefortyfive: Thanks. =)
fivefortyfive: the freedom of an end and the anticipation of a beginning
fivefortyfive: Picking grass and things
fivefortyfive: [[title?]]
fivefortyfive: loving what I have.
fivefortyfive: I am floating away...
fivefortyfive: overwhelming sense of peace
fivefortyfive: It's all coming at you