fivefiveandahalf: new bike detail
fivefiveandahalf: new bike!
fivefiveandahalf: shadow panda
fivefiveandahalf: not-quite-spring panda
fivefiveandahalf: road block.
fivefiveandahalf: bicycle shadow
fivefiveandahalf: the big wheels
fivefiveandahalf: crazy boot bike
fivefiveandahalf: the longest bicycle i've ever seen.
fivefiveandahalf: one big wooden wheel
fivefiveandahalf: chicken hut roof II
fivefiveandahalf: heading to jersey
fivefiveandahalf: well protected
fivefiveandahalf: Disco Flat Fix
fivefiveandahalf: Fast Boy Panda
fivefiveandahalf: tandem panda
fivefiveandahalf: dabathon, 2010
fivefiveandahalf: well-protected panda