Five eyes: curious
Five eyes: warming up
Five eyes: Why the long face?
Five eyes: calf
Five eyes: on my way home
Five eyes: horse in sepia
Five eyes: Faye, the youth
Five eyes: Lily, the elder
Five eyes: brown and white
Five eyes: horse, sepia
Five eyes: wrong side of the fence
Five eyes: horse in pose
Five eyes: friendly one
Five eyes: offspring of Myrtle's barn cats
Five eyes: in the field
Five eyes: the elder
Five eyes: snooty guard dog
Five eyes: Sonic the Chinese Crested
Five eyes: Wishbone, is that you?
Five eyes: winterizing
Five eyes: urban life
Five eyes: squirrely guy
Five eyes: IMG_2197
Five eyes: IMG_2208
Five eyes: IMG_2209
Five eyes: can't read
Five eyes: quite bored with the whole thing
Five eyes: looking sad
Five eyes: Sleepy Barn Owl
Five eyes: caged in