Five eyes: lime 3 (aka Frog)
Five eyes: the lime, aged.
Five eyes: one rusty screw
Five eyes: Grandpa's pocket
Five eyes: peppermints
Five eyes: for Council he ran
Five eyes: an original
Five eyes: Halloween leftover
Five eyes: pendulum
Five eyes: way back in '93
Five eyes: Grandpa's watch
Five eyes: on my watch
Five eyes: fringy
Five eyes: condensationed
Five eyes: point well taken
Five eyes: bad hair day
Five eyes: stoned
Five eyes: s is for swing
Five eyes: the art of fencing
Five eyes: magnum trash
Five eyes: before
Five eyes: after
Five eyes: A cargo of contentment
Five eyes: stick that in your pipe
Five eyes: Ikophot light meter
Five eyes: shutter speed
Five eyes: when they were metal
Five eyes: no nuts, please
Five eyes: Sorry; overexposed.
Five eyes: one sorry piece