isolatedcolor: Failed Attempt #1 - day 4 - Jan 19th 08
isolatedcolor: Day 10 [03.27.08] The Last Smoke
isolatedcolor: Day 11 - March 28th - The Pants Off Dance Off
isolatedcolor: Day 16 - April 2nd - The Million Dollars
isolatedcolor: Day 23 - April 9th - The Stuck Like That
isolatedcolor: Day 34 [04.20.08] The Cold Shoulder
isolatedcolor: Day 36 - April 22nd - The Letter of the Day is....
isolatedcolor: Day 38 [04.24.08] The Study of Motion & Skin [reject]
isolatedcolor: Day 38 [04.24.08] The Study of Motion & Skin
isolatedcolor: Day 41 - April 27th - The New Shirt
isolatedcolor: Day 47 - May 3rd - The Silly Saturday
isolatedcolor: Day 56 - May 12th - The Hair Dye
isolatedcolor: The Model in Me
isolatedcolor: Day 72 [05.28.08] Reject
isolatedcolor: Day 72 - May 28th - The Exaggeration
isolatedcolor: Day 74 Reject.
isolatedcolor: Day 101 - June Twenty-Sixth - Aloha
isolatedcolor: Day 108 - July Third - Walk the Line
isolatedcolor: Day 62 - May 18th - The Middle Finger
isolatedcolor: Day 115 - July Tenth - Early Shadows
isolatedcolor: Day 121 - July Sixteenth - Death by Hanging
isolatedcolor: Day 100 - June Twenty-Fifth - Range of Emotions
isolatedcolor: Day 88 - June Thirteenth - Envy
isolatedcolor: Day 73 [05.29.08] The Bored Denim
isolatedcolor: Day 19 [04.05.08] The Toes
isolatedcolor: The Quick Brown Fox....
isolatedcolor: Day 31 [04.17.08] The Perfect Ponytail
isolatedcolor: Adventures with Kung Fu Panda - Hiiii Ya!
isolatedcolor: Day 28 - April 14th - The Laugh
isolatedcolor: Day 32 [04.18.08] The Sad Cigarette