isolatedcolor: the eyeliner
isolatedcolor: the sideswipe
isolatedcolor: the exit
isolatedcolor: the foot
isolatedcolor: the finger
isolatedcolor: Failed Attempt #1 - day 1 - Jan 16th 08
isolatedcolor: Failed Attempt #1 - day 2 - Jan 17th 08
isolatedcolor: Failed Attempt #1 - day 3 - Jan 18th 08
isolatedcolor: Failed Attempt #1 - day 4 - Jan 19th 08
isolatedcolor: day 5 - Jan 20th 08
isolatedcolor: shadow carries tripod
isolatedcolor: side view
isolatedcolor: Day 1 [03.18.08] The Water Returned
isolatedcolor: Day 2 [03.19.08] The Stove's Reflection
isolatedcolor: Day 3 [03.20.08] Alternate
isolatedcolor: Day 3 [03.20.08] The Late Night
isolatedcolor: Day 3 [03.20.08] Alternate
isolatedcolor: Day 4 [03.21.08] Reject
isolatedcolor: Day 4 [03.21.08] The Soft Shoulder
isolatedcolor: Day 5 [03.22.08] The Hand
isolatedcolor: Day 6 [03.23.08] The One Eye
isolatedcolor: Day 7 [03.24.08] The Cookies
isolatedcolor: Day 8 [03.25.08] The Twirl
isolatedcolor: Day 9 [03.26.08] Reject 1
isolatedcolor: Day 9 [03.26.08] The Pilot
isolatedcolor: Day 9 [03.26.08] Reject 2
isolatedcolor: Day 9 [03.26.08] Reject 3
isolatedcolor: Day 10 [03.27.08] The Last Smoke
isolatedcolor: Day 11 - March 28th - The Pants Off Dance Off
isolatedcolor: adayinmylife - March 29 - 8.30am