fitzilynn: Shot of eggs 1:17 20APR2012
fitzilynn: 4:30pm 21Apr2012 eggs under dad
fitzilynn: 1216pm 22apr2012
fitzilynn: o 23Apr A snuggle with mom 1936
fitzilynn: I have a hunch I'm a hawk!
fitzilynn: 139pm 22apr2012
fitzilynn: n 23Apr All tuckered out 1936
fitzilynn: Just three crazy chicks!
fitzilynn: z 26Apr Mom and the brood 1625
fitzilynn: m 23Apr Nourishing the firstborn
fitzilynn: Obverse, Reverse
fitzilynn: z 26Apr Mom and hawklet 1618
fitzilynn: Rocket Man
fitzilynn: l 23Apr #1 1721
fitzilynn: 10jun 1331 much-discussed mark on #3's tail--NOT a problem is consensus
fitzilynn: z 26Apr Dad and the brood 1433
fitzilynn: Staring into the future.
fitzilynn: k 23Apr 1st hawklet
fitzilynn: 10jun 1407 the toes at work
fitzilynn: j 23Apr Mom emerges out of snow later that morning
fitzilynn: Still Life with Hawks
fitzilynn: z 26Apr Hawklet #1 watches over the pests 641
fitzilynn: 10jun 1359 so, fat feet means female
fitzilynn: City of Two Tails (Kidgos' wit!) 29May 1221pm
fitzilynn: z 26Apr #3 has hatched 512
fitzilynn: 10jun 1401 a little more ankle for JohnBlakeman
fitzilynn: After much flapping
fitzilynn: y 25Apr Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me..1858
fitzilynn: h 22Apr Two eggs pipping
fitzilynn: Another unsuccessful attempt