Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Inside the train of MTR Disneyland Resort line
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Pluto: Inside the train of MTR Disneyland Resort line
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: The train of MTR Disneyland Resort line
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: The station of MTR Disneyland Resort line
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Mickey welcomes you outside the Disneyland
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: The ticket
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Just inside the entrance of the park
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: A model of the castle in the Disneyland museum
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Barge inside the Disneyland museum
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Models in the Disneyland museum
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Mickey and Minnie
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Fire Dept. in the Main Street U.S.A.
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: City Hall
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Funny doctor
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Snow White and 7 dwarfs
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Winnie the Pooh
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Woody and Jessie
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: A Princess, maybe Cinderella?
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Another Princess
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Guys singing quartet at the restaurant
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: High School Musical
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: The "I majored in Vacation" shirt
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Play with kids
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: The Golden Mickeys show
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Mickey and Minnie in The Golden Mickeys
Yuxuan.fishy.Wang: Woody and Jessie in The Golden Mickeys