fishpl8: 70817 Carnforth 6J37
fishpl8: 70817 Carnforth 10-10-2018
fishpl8: Steam!
fishpl8: 48151 Carnforth 10-10-2018
fishpl8: 48151 Carnforth 10-10-2018
fishpl8: 66716 Carnforth 10-10-2018
fishpl8: 47555@West Coast Rail Carnforth
fishpl8: West Coast demic 47787
fishpl8: Steam Town relics
fishpl8: Lattice signal@West Coast rail Carnforth
fishpl8: Carnforth coaling tower + signal
fishpl8: Selside box rear
fishpl8: Selside box
fishpl8: 37669+47832 Carnforth
fishpl8: 37669+47832 Carnforth with The Pendle Dalesman
fishpl8: South from Hardendale Quarry