akki14: Box box box!
akki14: Ooh shiny box...
akki14: Box complete!
akki14: Spray painted front panel
akki14: Spray painting the outside panels
akki14: Box with LEDs strung around
akki14: Ooh box
akki14: more laying out
akki14: HOVER BOX
akki14: Infinite nearly straight on.
akki14: Infinite Side
akki14: Infinite Up
akki14: Infinite Down
akki14: Another one burnt too :/
akki14: Burnt :(
akki14: Oops. too much power :/
akki14: Pretty lights...
akki14: Do not understand electronics :(
akki14: Turning down teh juice...
akki14: F-yeah two circuits!
akki14: Arugh so many lights!
akki14: Stars! Yellow circuit is lazy testing device.
akki14: Film attached!
akki14: Cutting the mirrored film
akki14: Me after lots and lots of soldering
akki14: Still measuring out wire
akki14: Cyan LEDs
akki14: Measuring out wire
akki14: Infinity!