fishgirl7: Munted forever really 254/365 & Twitter 253/365 [10.09.2009]
fishgirl7: ahh new desk - heaps of work to do in here still tho 253/365 & Twitter 252/365 [09.09.2009]
fishgirl7: 7kg down, 6kg to go...hello waist...I had forgotten what you looked like! 252/365 & Twitter 251/365 [08.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Mortar Board - weird 251/365 & Twitter 250/365 [07.09.2009]
fishgirl7: 250/365 & Twitter 249/365 [06.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Gutting study for new furniture 249/365 & Twitter 248/365 [05.09.2009]
fishgirl7: 247/365 & Twitter 246/365 [03.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Eye am so tired 248/365 & Twitter 247/365 [04.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Sarah & I 255/365 & Twitter 254/365 [11.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Squid Lips & her Aunty Suzie 256/365 & Twitter 255/365 [12.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Working on Sun @ ML Campus - grading - ugh 257/365 & Twitter 256/365 [13.09.2009]
fishgirl7: baby pram; Rode Podcaster microphone; redbull; laptop; your lap; excel; bloody pdf'ed student work; late nite and some imagination 258/365 & Twitter 257/365 [14.09.2009]
fishgirl7: wish i could organise my life as easily as the cabling under my desk 260/365 & Twitter 259/365 [16.09.2009]
fishgirl7: zombie 259/365 & Twitter 258/365 [15.09.2009]
fishgirl7: My signature colour is........lime green...yes really 261/365 & Twitter 260/365 [17.09.2009]
fishgirl7: eBay FTW - WEG 1992 AFL Premiers cover. Collectors item. 265/365 & Twitter 264/365 [21.09.2009]
fishgirl7: everything in spring is trying...except the bloody weather 264/365 & Twitter 263/365 [20.09.2009]
fishgirl7: spring sunset 263/365 & Twitter 262/365 [19.09.2009]
fishgirl7: first flowers on my dwarf lemon tree 262/365 & Twitter 261/365 [18.09.2009]
fishgirl7: i am screaming for a pedicure...271/365 & Twitter 270/365 [27.09.2009]
fishgirl7: New RODE podcast microphone with vibration reducer & stand - still issues getting sweet audio /sigh 273/365 & Twitter 272/365 [29.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Pinched nerve in neck & killer sinus headache - a great Monday 272/365 & Twitter 271/365 [28.09.2009]
fishgirl7: Assignment time!! 274/365 & Twitter 273/365 [30.09.2009]