fishbellywhite: Picture 172
fishbellywhite: Picture 173
fishbellywhite: Playful polar bear
fishbellywhite: Picture 179
fishbellywhite: sleeping beast
fishbellywhite: Picture 181
fishbellywhite: Picture 183
fishbellywhite: Monkey and child
fishbellywhite: they have their own offices!
fishbellywhite: quiet day for a panda
fishbellywhite: as seen through eucalyptus
fishbellywhite: panda from behind
fishbellywhite: my hand compared to gorilla paw
fishbellywhite: stripping a branch
fishbellywhite: Gorilla and baby
fishbellywhite: gorilla crotch!!!
fishbellywhite: sleeping gorilla
fishbellywhite: Gorilla hand
fishbellywhite: Picture 216
fishbellywhite: sleeping hippos
fishbellywhite: Picture 219
fishbellywhite: Picture 220