fishafoto: Dancing with Beers
fishafoto: Take Meh
fishafoto: Mighty Stag
fishafoto: Can 14 face 11 - Drunk
fishafoto: winein glass
fishafoto: Stager boy
fishafoto: The cold wet KISS
fishafoto: Dancing the Street
fishafoto: Got you
fishafoto: Quiet time
fishafoto: Jumbo can
fishafoto: wine
fishafoto: Deep thought BW
fishafoto: A large scotch
fishafoto: RUM & ice
fishafoto: Nite Carib
fishafoto: Mother on Christmas day - 1985
fishafoto: Grenada Marine Bar
fishafoto: Down & Out
fishafoto: Gold Top
fishafoto: more champers
fishafoto: Used and Abandoned
fishafoto: Black Coffe
fishafoto: Can 14 face 23
fishafoto: Bottle Opener
fishafoto: Nice Red
fishafoto: A welcome drink
fishafoto: Italian Red
fishafoto: Strong RUM
fishafoto: slighty drunk