although tania appears enviably intoxicated on high-end halluicnogens, I assure you she's just happy, in a perfectly legal manner
natalie, LA and I have all been formally educated in the ways of typography. now we drink to heather bohn, our illustrious teacher who has since retired.
one day, danielle will issue an order, and you will comply immediately, as if it had been your very thought to begin with
the overarching majority of tania's life has been faithfully transcribed into electronic pulses by electronic machines
as is wont to happen, an all-consuming fascination with our own digital images gradually overtook each and every one of us
LA's real name is "lawrence". he was not named for the sprawling west-coast entertainment stronghold.
it got to be that time in the night, you know, when the builtin "sepia" filter on the little canon point-and-shoot made a lot of sense