I took about 2 dozen pictures in an attempt to capture the sheer verve and determination that percolated in me as I danced alone in my apt with this big half-finished letter 'U' but they all suck
I managed to fit all the components into 18"x18" squares, which were so much fun to demark it make cutting them up almost a shame, but only almost
here's what you should do: make a big cardboard letter. it's like your cutting and cutting and etc but then all of a sudden: sesame street! in your house! yes.
see, that's actually book cloth under the U's, and they're glued to it, see. for, erm, school. yes.
there is a strange timbre (or whatever) in that plaid song 'squance' that, when played out my laptop speakers, sounds like electrocution and evil
unfolding your average 3D elevation-oblique letterform is something that can be dicey, hillarious, or both, and in this instance I went with hillarious
if I was still an architecture student I would just turn this shit in and see what they said
so maybe what happened was arakawa and gins timewarped into 'the future' (which is right now, to you and i) and broke into my house and saw this, and then bang, critical resemblences house, how about that