FISH-BIO: When you forget a weight belt you have to improvise...
FISH-BIO: Downstream passage fyke on the Carmel Weir
FISH-BIO: Installing the downstream passage fyke on the Carmel Weir
FISH-BIO: Downstream passage install on the Carmel River weir
FISH-BIO: Feeling good about this install
FISH-BIO: Floating the downstream passage fyke into position
FISH-BIO: Break time
FISH-BIO: Moving the downstream passage fyke into position
FISH-BIO: Finished Weir Installation
FISH-BIO: Near complete
FISH-BIO: Sandbag brigade
FISH-BIO: Assembling the trap
FISH-BIO: Installing resistance weir panels
FISH-BIO: Positioning Pipe Before Sinking
FISH-BIO: Floating Pipe
FISH-BIO: Assembling Pipe
FISH-BIO: Ready for the field
FISH-BIO: Got it!
FISH-BIO: Team effort
FISH-BIO: Fish rescue on Hastings Reserve
FISH-BIO: Setting up bubblers
FISH-BIO: Got a big one
FISH-BIO: Rescued juvenile O. mykiss
FISH-BIO: Los Padres Reservoir reflections
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon
FISH-BIO: Carmel Lagoon