firstbusphotos: First Bristol W722 ULL 41722, two unidentified Marshall Darts, First Badgerline L654 SEU 34154 and First Glasgow T735 JGB 62935
firstbusphotos: Former First Glasgow 62936 T736 JGB, First Glasgow 62949 W49 WDS, Buses of Somerset V833 DYD First Somerset & Avon 34064 P564 EFL and Buses of Somerset 32866 MIG 3859 (T866 KLF)
firstbusphotos: First Bristol L654 SEU 34054 and First Glasgow T735 JGB 62935
firstbusphotos: Muller Road Depot
firstbusphotos: First Bristol W686 ULL 41686
firstbusphotos: Abus Y243 DRC
firstbusphotos: Abus Y243 DRC
firstbusphotos: Former First Cymru W607 RFS 62225 (590), First Glasgow T736 JGB
firstbusphotos: Former First Glasgow T735 JGB 62935
firstbusphotos: First Glasgow W52 WDS 62952
firstbusphotos: Abus Y243 DRC
firstbusphotos: Former First Glasgow/Hutchison W49 WDS and First Manchester/Great Yarmouth/Buses of Somerset S665 RNA 60814 (665)
firstbusphotos: First Glasgow T736 JGB 62936, W49 WDS 62949 and First Bristol W378 EOW 66178
firstbusphotos: First Bristol
firstbusphotos: First Glasgow T736 JGB 62936 and W49 WDS 62949
firstbusphotos: T736 JGB and W49 WDS
firstbusphotos: W49 WDS and R908 BOU
firstbusphotos: T735 JGB
firstbusphotos: T735 JGB