firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin Coaches XJI 6332 54
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5458 58
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 6332 54
firstbusphotos: A pair of Tigers
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 6332 54
firstbusphotos: Bakers Dolphin XJI 5457 57
firstbusphotos: Eassons ETP 61W
firstbusphotos: (Preserved) Smiths of Pylle 916 DYA (D196 OYD)