Sean Hale Photography: miller_attack
Sean Hale Photography: will_snapshot
Sean Hale Photography: mark_backhand
Sean Hale Photography: will_matty_score
Sean Hale Photography: great_d_crybaby
Sean Hale Photography: drew_and_toughguy
Sean Hale Photography: murphandajackass
Sean Hale Photography: pp_shift_2_will_scores
Sean Hale Photography: 1st goal against
Sean Hale Photography: 2nd Goal Against
Sean Hale Photography: action_both_ends
Sean Hale Photography: Solid Work - Both Ends
Sean Hale Photography: Jay defends early, Goalie defends late
Sean Hale Photography: Will on net, Hook on Will
Sean Hale Photography: Russo rushes & Defensive Work
Sean Hale Photography: What does this guy and a submarine have in common?
Sean Hale Photography: how_to_finish