CaseyRClark: Cozying up
CaseyRClark: Hanging out in a patch of sun
CaseyRClark: Sounds and Tastes Good
CaseyRClark: Cookie Monster Calvin
CaseyRClark: Keytar
CaseyRClark: His plentiful bounty
CaseyRClark: "Playing" his cake
CaseyRClark: As close as most parents get to the sprinkler
CaseyRClark: Retrieving the ammunition
CaseyRClark: Aiming for the paparazzi
CaseyRClark: Rockets and water, good formula for birthday fun
CaseyRClark: Calvin liked this just a little
CaseyRClark: Watching from a distance
CaseyRClark: Awesome.
CaseyRClark: Bubbles