firesika: Kangas
firesika: Orange peeling
firesika: Central Market
firesika: IMG_0110
firesika: Daladala
firesika: Buying minerals at the Forodhani Gardens night fish market
firesika: Carol, Sarah, Me, David, & Denise
firesika: IMG_0104
firesika: Stone Town don't need no cars
firesika: Stone Town is built on coral
firesika: One of the famous doors
firesika: IMG_0091
firesika: IMG_0092
firesika: Chillin' in the café
firesika: IMG_0094
firesika: IMG_0095
firesika: IMG_0087
firesika: IMG_0086
firesika: Sarah and Denise on the ferry
firesika: Ummm . . .
firesika: Shisha--it's like blowing bubbles
firesika: Sarah Shisha-ing
firesika: Shisha
firesika: David and the Shisha
firesika: All-in-one
firesika: IMG_0273
firesika: Good thing we weren't drunk, climbing these
firesika: IMG_0274
firesika: Possibly Freddie Mercury lived here
firesika: Or possibly Freddie Mercury lived here