Lily!: 72/365
Lily!: Harley or Loki?
Lily!: Harley or Loki?
Lily!: 74/365
Lily!: Loki
Lily!: Loki after ball surgery
Lily!: Loki before ball surgery
Lily!: Loki before ball surgery
Lily!: "I'm so peeeeessed at youuuu"
Lily!: Guess who's at work today?
Lily!: Dog in a bucket
Lily!: Nap a bucket
Lily!: After the Petco adventure
Lily!: 87/365
Lily!: Loki getting his *ss kicked
Lily!: Grrrr
Lily!: Loki in Pioneer Square
Lily!: Janelle & Loki
Lily!: 102/365
Lily!: This is how my dog sleeps
Lily!: Loki in his green coat
Lily!: My friend Chris took this
Lily!: Sleepy Loki
Lily!: The Loke
Lily!: and the laughing continues...
Lily!: Loki trying to be good
Lily!: Ignoring me
Lily!: Stop eeeet