fireleaf: Halde Hoheward
fireleaf: Wächter der Nacht / Custodian of the Night
fireleaf: Wächter der Nacht / Custodian of the Night
fireleaf: Nachtfahrt / Driving into the night
fireleaf: Green Wood Factory
fireleaf: Müllverbrennungsanlage/Incinerator
fireleaf: STEAG - Kraftwerk/STEAG - Powerstation
fireleaf: Moon/Mond Lunar Eclipse
fireleaf: A little part of the "Halde Hoheward"
fireleaf: And some are green
fireleaf: Impressionen
fireleaf: Mocke par excellence
fireleaf: I can see Airwin on the other Halde
fireleaf: Plenty of little hills
fireleaf: Prost! Kippis! Cheers!
fireleaf: What a profile...
fireleaf: Green
fireleaf: Cloudes above the Halde
fireleaf: A kind of way...
fireleaf: Around the corner
fireleaf: A little part of the "Halde"
fireleaf: ehemalige Verladestation "Zeche Ewald"
fireleaf: they still aren´t alive
fireleaf: They aren´t alive
fireleaf: ehemalige Verladestation "Zeche Ewald"
fireleaf: ehemalige Verladestation "Zeche Ewald"
fireleaf: Autumn comes!
fireleaf: Argh!
fireleaf: Ups!
fireleaf: In the middle of a flower is...