Fireground: 00008
Fireground: Video : traffic from the White Mountains on SR 260 at Christopher Creek.
Fireground: 00002.MTS
Fireground: Rescue Seahawk
Fireground: Helicopter 368 conducting hover drills
Fireground: Helicopter 368 conducting a hover drill
Fireground: DSCF0017
Fireground: DSCF0017
Fireground: 100_0030
Fireground: 100_0029
Fireground: 100_0018
Fireground: 100_0013
Fireground: 100_0012
Fireground: 100_0011
Fireground: 100_0008
Fireground: 100_0013
Fireground: Horseshoe-Flt-6-2-10
Fireground: Horseshoe Fire Helibase
Fireground: Horseshoe Fire Helibase
Fireground: Op WinterStormRecon
Fireground: 3-TV 3-TV Video with Steve Bodinet and Jim Payne
Fireground: 3-TV 3-TV Video with Steve Bodinet