Firefly_07: Cuckoo Wasp (Hedychrum sp.)
Firefly_07: Bumblebee (Bombus sp.)
Firefly_07: Small wasp
Firefly_07: Bumblebee (Bombus sp.)
Firefly_07: Bumblebee (Bombus sp.)
Firefly_07: Sweat Bee
Firefly_07: Honeybee and Shasta Daisy
Firefly_07: Blackberry and Bee
Firefly_07: Winter Heather and Bee
Firefly_07: Bee, Crab Spider, and Aster
Firefly_07: Forget-Me-Not and Bee
Firefly_07: Forget-Me-Not and Bee
Firefly_07: Sweat Bee on geranium
Firefly_07: Harlequin Flower and Bee
Firefly_07: Nomad Bee
Firefly_07: Little Bee